Be Prepared: Why You Owe It To Yourself To Enroll In A Concealed Carry Class

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Be Prepared: Why You Owe It To Yourself To Enroll In A Concealed Carry Class

14 December 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you don't have a concealed carry permit, now's the time to change that. Concealed carry classes are offered throughout the United States and can be completed in a matter of hours. Once you've completed the class, you'll have a permit to lawfully carry a concealed weapon. If you're not sure that you'd benefit from a concealed carry permit, read the information provided below. You'll find four important reasons to enroll in a concealed carry class. 

You've Been the Victim of a Crime

If you've been the victim of a crime, you could benefit from a concealed carry permit. If you've been the victim of domestic violence and you've obtained an order of protection against your ex-partner, you should also consider enrolling in a concealed carry class. About 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have been the victim of a violent attack from an intimate partner. Carrying a concealed weapon can help to prevent further victimization. 

You Want to Protect Others

If you spend a lot of time out in the public, you may worry about those around you, especially with the increased occurrence of gun violence. One way to protect those around you — and yourself — is to obtain a concealed carry permit. Once you've taken a concealed carry class and attended a firearms safety class, you'll be prepared to protect those around you. 

You Participate in Ride-Share Programs

If you participate in ride-share programs — whether as a driver or as a rider — you could benefit from enrolling in a concealed carry class. About 3000 people reported being the victim of a sexual assault during a ride-share trip, in one year alone. Of those 3000 victims, some of them were riders, while the rest were drivers. To make sure you're protected from such an attack, enroll in a concealed carry class in your area. 

You Commute to Work

If you commute to work, you owe it to yourself to enroll in a concealed carry class. You never know when your car is going to break down during your commute. If your car breaks down in an isolated area or in the middle of the night, you're at an increased risk for an assault. Ensure you're protected during your commute time. Enroll in a concealed carry class near you as soon as possible.

Contact a company that offers concealed carry classes near you to learn more.